This is shrine for the first gen kpop group , also known as Taste the maximum!! they are dubbed as the "girl version of nrg" as they are under the same company and had a similar music style to nrg when they first debuted.

they debuted in the summer of 1999, with their album "in the sea" with their infamous single 'My baby'. they later went on to promote their single 'Prism', a lush eurobeat song. they recieved alot of popularity, although the album didnt do as well as they couldve, they still are mentioned when older kpop groups are the topic of discussion.

later on, both members queena and juhae, who so happen to be sisters, were pulled out of the group by their parents because they thought the girls should rathe be focused on their studies, not a music group.

in 2000, almost a ear after their debut they released their second album "i wanna be", which mostly got rid of the euro/dance beat. most tracks had lush sophisticating or pop elements. during this time, ttma were starting to go into the chinese and eastern european market, they did best in china, also being one of the first groups to promote overseas along with nrg.

they promoted their single 'wanna be loved', with the songs rich, luxury pop elements, its really no surprise that this is their most famous song out of them all. its also pretty shocking how this album did worse than the first. it was most likely due to many factors, like how their company didnt promote them as much, also how the style wasnt as trending. even the littlest thing can fail an album and a group.

they later went on to promote their single 'going crazy' a song similar to the ones in their first album, with euro/techno elements. its sad that it didnt do as well as it couldve, becuase it is truly an amazing song. in my opinion.